AKINYEMI, ROWENA OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Ref. 9780194637503 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    It is the year 2522, and the planet Earth is dying. The Artificial Ozone Layer is only 300 years old, but it is breaking up fast. Now the sun is burning down on Earth. There is no water. Without water, nothing can live. Trees die, plants die, animals die, people die . . . In a colony under the moon,...
    Peso: 85 gr
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    8,80 €
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    • ISBN : 978-0-19-463750-3
    • Data d'edició : 01/01/2016
    • Any d'edició : 2016
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Autors : AKINYEMI, ROWENA
    • Nº de pàgines : 0
    • Col·lecció : OXFORD BOOKWORMS
    It is the year 2522, and the planet Earth is dying. The Artificial Ozone Layer is only 300 years old, but it is breaking up fast. Now the sun is burning down on Earth. There is no water. Without water, nothing can live. Trees die, plants die, animals die, people die . . . In a colony under the moon, people wait for news - news from home, news from the planet Earth. And in a spaceship high above Earth, a young man watches numbers on a computer screen. The numbers tell a story, and the young man is afraid. The planet Earth is burning, burning, burning . . .

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